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“A must read for a world needing healing and awareness that God shows up even in the mess as He relentlessly pursues our hearts. Ken’s raw transparency of his journey, remarkable candor, and powerful writing, inspired me to reflect how God has shown up over and over in my own life!”
       Joby Martin, Lead Pastor, The Church of Eleven 22

"I was thrilled when I saw the story of my life in my published book, "Fat Cats, Really?" Ken Overman and I spent many enjoyable hours going over my life and experiences at Meryl Lynch, and I thought he captured the essence of my career exactly as it was. His skill in interviewing and writing definitely made the whole process go very well. I encourage anyone wanting their life story or work placed in a book to contact Ken. He is excellent."

       Sam Peluso - 2019 

Mr. Overman;

It was an absolute pleasure to work with you on our book. You knew all the right questions to ask us in order to prompt our memories and provide you with the information you needed. We are pleased and delighted to have this wonderful history of my life and our company. You were thorough, thoughtful, patient, genuine and kind. I would highly recommend you to anyone thinking of having their own life story written. Paula and I feel as if you are now our friend. By all means, if anyone wants to talk with us further about it, you have my permission to have them call me.

       Sincerely, H. L. (Buddy) Eidel 

About A Lion in Spring


Loved the book! It is peculiar that this was the second thriller novel about Greece I’ve read this week. Overman's was MUCH better! I was reading the Elkins series before I got to this. It has more depth, is more intense, and more realistic. It feels like I know the characters personally, and the bad guys are so despicable it is scary. The book was unusual with the climax so close to the end of the book. Part of me wants to find out that the Uncle was not really a double agent, that he was playing both sides. And I want to know what happens to Paolo’s children and wife.

The bad thing about reading a really great book is you can’t put it down. You read it too fast and then ache for a sequel. This story is so balanced with danger, intrigue, history and romance, with powerful settings and characters. Thank you Ken so much for giving me a chance to leave my workaday routine and escape to Greece!

       Claudia Oltean 

Kenneth Overman's tale traces corruption and treachery dating back to World War II when Greece was under Nazi occupation. It embodies the story of good and evil, pitting a father and a son against each other when one stands for good and the other greed. In the present, a well-drawn protagonist, a hapless American History Professor stumbles into age-old secrets and from then on, his life is at serious risk as narrated in a series of high-octane ambush sequences, He is soon offered protection from a mysterious female agent and her enigmatic boss, but before long suspects they may be playing him. He must untangle a web of historic and contemporary secrets and lies and decide who to trust to survive and complete his mission.

        Steven Kerry Brown 

I was actually quite pleased with this book. The setting was Greece and normally I'm not into adventures in foreign lands unless it's some place I know. I've never been to Greece until now. Now I feel like I've been there. Mr. Overmans writing is quite excellence. The protagonist here is always falling into trouble and just barely manages to escape each pit he falls into or is dragged into. About half-way through the book the stakes are raised to as high a level as you can get. Nuclear destruction.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes fast paced suspenseful stories. It was clean as well. I don't recall seeing any swear words in there and no real sexual encounters. There is some sexual tension, but nothing explicit.

       Helena F. Powell 

Enjoyed this novel with a magnificent plot that kept me on the edge of my seat reading chapter after chapter. The author’s love for and knowledge of Greece and its people led me to wish for a return visit to review old memories and match them to what I have just learned.

The author’s portrayals of nature are astute and beautiful. Witness: '...the sun set -- a blazing orange ball that plunged to the horizon and set a firestorm of colour across the sky.'

My husband, Donald, also enjoyed what he called 'a fast paced thriller with an unusual setting.' The fact we shared the book made for a few 'now-it's-my-turn-to-grab-the book' episodes, which emphasizes the book's suspenseful appeal.

       F. Pleng 

This book is a rare gem. It is a real thriller, but unlike many thrillers, the author fully develops all the key characters. These fictional people become real to the reader. Because you really care about what happens to his characters, the book is riveting and meaningful. An extra bonus is the author is concise, so you don't have to wait long for the payoff. Icing on the cake, is the author deftly weaves the political and economic realities of modern day Greece into the story, making for a plausible and readable story. Thank you Mr. Overman.

       Lester Jacobs 

 From the moment I started reading, I could hardly put it down. The story flowed gracefully through Greece, and even though I have never been there, I felt as if I was there. With the death of his wife, to finding love again, all intertwined in a kidnapping adventure and bringing down the Greece cartel was brilliantly woven into the pages of this book.

       Helmut Zitzwitz 

This novel makes you forget to eat dinner, as it would be time stolen from finishing this book.

It is a page-turner, using beautiful descriptions of the landscape and culture of Greece. The politicians and the powerbrokers give this novel the realism we all believe could not happen in a Democracy. Historically, events occurred, which again showed how power in the hands of a few can corrupt any government. The protagonist, Nathan, discovered information, which could topple the current government. The top Intelligence organizations of the US, England, and Greece all get involved. A global fight between Good and evil puts Nathan’s Life in jeopardy. The action and his survival rivals our action movies of today

       H. G. (Amazon customer) 

A Lion in Spring is a page-turner! I took the book with me on a flight to Montana and back, and read it during my 3-day visit as well. I am impressed with the way Ken Overman introduces his characters and fleshes them out with little personal quirks such as the early mention that the protagonist Nathan Radcliff heals quickly (this propensity came in quite handy later in the story, as he faced incredible violence and survived). It is an adventure story with plenty of international intrigue, but more than that, it is a story about the healing of a relationship between father and daughter, the give and take of a budding romantic relationship, and the beginning of brighter future for all except those who would choose evil over good. I highly recommend this book - well written and a good read!

       Susan D. Brandenburg 

Enjoyed all of Ken Overman's books! This was I believe his first venture into the thriller novel category. I can imagine him mentally playing with his characters to bring them to life, to explain clearly their objectives - why they are the way they are and do what they do. The colorful Greek background is so real I can easily imagine being there. Not to over-hype, but Overman's style is somewhere between Clancy and Steinbeck. Plot was thrilling and very believable. No inconsistencies.

       Theodore Latour 

A Lion In Spring is an excellent book. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and international intrigue as Ken leads you through character development, plot and conflict that keeps you in suspense. I have always wanted to visit Greece, and now I am planning the trip. I highly recommend A Lion In Spring.

       Arthur W. San Clemente, Ca. 

Great international adventure filled with action, mystery and a little romance. Will there be another book where the romance between the main characters continues? My vote is yes, I want to read more.


Kenneth Overman is a master storyteller and painter of vivid word pictures. Combine the two and you have a wonderful story of international intrigue and suspense.

       Ron Wiley 

It was exciting to receive and read this long awaited book! And then to see my name on the back cover was amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed the story, and now hope for a sequel to follow soon with further adventures of Nathan and Zizi. Hopefully the Greek mafia is out of business, but doubt it. Thank you, Kenneth, for a memorable book!

       L. R. Baker 

This book is full of suspense and intrigue and I love the descriptions of Athens, my favorite city and home. Having lived there himself, Ken knows it well. Great cast of characters!

       Mary G. 

I don't have time to read a lot so I'm picky about what I choose. Reading this book was almost like taking a much-needed vacation. Loved every page.

       Becky Harmon 

I chose this rating because I couldn't put the book down!
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery and suspense novel.

       M. D. Burnsed 

A fascinating novel that reveals much about the Greek political structure. A tale worthy of Hitchcock, himself, told in a fluid conversational style. Fast paced, easy to read, full of political intrigue, kidnapping, murder, and of course, romance. Nathan and Zizi are thrown together, literally, when the library they are visiting is torn apart by a horrific explosion. Nathan, a widowed dad, raising a young daughter on his own, and Zizi, a sleek fem fatal, and member of the Greek CIA, is on the trail of a ruthless organized crime boss, Edilio. But Edilio's power is threatened, when sensitive documents go missing, documents which Nathan holds in secret. When Edilio discovers that Nathan is in possession of these documents, Nathan is caught up in a power struggle between the forces of good and evil, and he is torn between the love he has for his daughter and the mysterious woman, Zizi, who may be his only hope to survive it all!


As the author of a book about Michael Jackson, I have been researching and reading almost exclusively non-fiction material during the past five to six years. What a serendipitous and enjoyable departure it has been for me to read Kenneth Overman's most recent novel, “A Lion in Spring”! Kenneth weaves his story with his rich imagination; vigorous descriptions; a well-developed, multi-layered, and interesting plot; and fascinating characters. He has a penchant for incorporating unique details in his descriptions of the characters, historical/political events, and the scenes upon which the plot plays out. Everything seems so real and authentic that the reader may forget that he/she is reading a fictional account....

An ordinary person, the protagonist Nathan Radcliff becomes involved in extraordinary circumstances and challenges. A recently-widowed American author, Nathan becomes embroiled in a national crisis while he is visiting Greece to do research on a historical hero for his book. Nathan experiences shocking violence; he nearly loses his life; he is rescued by an attractive Greek secret service agent; his daughter is kidnapped as a hostage; and he is compelled to act in new and courageous ways.

Intrigue, mystery, romance, corruption, betrayal, healing, and courage are intertwined themes throughout “A Lion in Spring.” The scenery, culture, and politics of Greece are skillfully described. Nathan makes a stunning discovery – information that could topple the current government. The situation evolves into an international intelligence operation, involving Greece, the U.S., and England. The destructive power of government officials, crime, abuse, and corruption are revealed within the context of the ubiquitous struggle between good and evil.

This novel is a fast-paced, suspenseful mystery with something for everyone: romantic love, a complex father-daughter relationship, and the extraordinary, epic-level challenges encountered by an “ordinary” man doing a job in a foreign place.

I highly recommend this book … for lovers of novels and for non-fiction devotees who seek a stimulating and exciting departure from their usual reading pursuits.

       Dr. Karen Moriarity 

I limit my exposure to thrillers, but I am certainly glad I read this one. It takes place in a country I have never visited - Greece. However, given the author's vivid descriptions of places, people, and action, I now feel as if I have experienced it - the views, the smells, the tastes, the people. The challenge of a thriller is to make the reader care deeply about the protagonist. Caring was easy because Nathan is somewhat of an everyman, a college professor just doing some research...until bang! He finds himself and eventually those he loves caught in a mafia web. Kenneth Overman describes the meanest of the mean and the sweetest of the sweet with equal aplomb. Although the novel is generally very cinematic, my only gripe was that the final, shootout in a large villa went on a little too long and the changing settings were somewhat confusing. But that is small potatoes compared to the novel's fast-paced, imaginative flow. I hope there is a sequel. I miss Nathan.

       Judith K. White 

I really liked this book! The author brings Greece and Greek culture alive. I can almost feel the hot sun on my back and the warm waters of the Mediterranean on my toes! Coupling intriguing suspense with likeable protagonists makes it a really good read. The fact that it has no extreme violence, explicit sex or gratuitous cursing makes it a real plus for many. Looking forward to the next exciting book from a very promising author.


Kenneth Overman's tale traces corruption and treachery dating back to World War II when Greece was under Nazi occupation. It embodies the story of good and evil, pitting a father and a son against each other when one stands for good and the other greed. In the present, a well-drawn protagonist, a hapless American History Professor stumbles into age-old secrets and from then on, his life is at serious risk as narrated in a series of high-octane ambush sequences, He is soon offered protection from a mysterious female agent and her enigmatic boss, but before long suspects they may be playing him. He must untangle a web of historic and contemporary secrets and lies and decide who to trust to survive and complete his mission.

       C.O. Amazon Reader 

This book is a rare gem. It is a real thriller, but unlike many thrillers, the author fully develops all the key characters. These fictional people become real to the reader. Because you really care about what happens to his characters, the book is riveting and meaningful. An extra bonus is the author is concise, so you don't have to wait long for the payoff. Icing on the cake, is the author deftly weaves the political and economic realities of modern day Greece into the story, making for a plausible and readable story. Thank you Mr. Overman.


Very entertaining with great local color a different plot based on intimate knowledge of Greece. I learned a bit as well as enjoyed the read. Also recommend Mr. Overman's " Dawn Passage" and "picking Olives and Breaking Bread."

       Lester Jacobs 

From the moment I started reading, I could hardly put it down. The story flowed gracefully through Greece, and even though I have never been there, I felt as if I was there. With the death of his wife, to finding love again, all intertwined in a kidnapping adventure and bringing down the Greece cartel was brilliantly woven into the pages of this book.


About One Man’s Journey


Like any World War II veteran, I have a lot of memories. So when it came time for me to take all those stories and put them into a document for my children and grandchildren, I knew I needed help writing them down. As serendipity would have it, right after I received the Legion of Honour medal from the French government for my wartime service, Ken Overman called me up. After we talked, I decided to have him write my autobiography. It was a good decision, and now One Man’s Journey is a reality. Working with Ken was a very enjoyable experience. His ease of communication, intelligent questions, and top-notch writing skills produced a wonderful book. Thanks to him I have spoken to groups interested in my life, and many more people want to read my story. I highly recommend Ken Overman to anyone thinking about writing their legacy.

       Howard (Mike) Spencer 

About Bucking the Trend


“Ken; I have just finished reading the first edition of my memoirs, “Bucking the Trend,” and I have to say it was a great read! You have arranged it in such a way as to follow the sequence of events in my career perfectly. I really enjoyed working with you, and especially during the recording sessions. You have a unique ability to ask the right questions that helps prod the old memory. You also wrote a very nice introduction for the book. Finally, I must say the whole experience of working with you on this book has been an exciting and pleasing venture into my past. Thank you very much.”

       Buck Autrey – Chairman Emeritus, Miller Electric Company 

About I, Radical


“Six months ago, Ken contacted me about writing my biography. At the time, I had envisioned a rather simple presentation of my life as a lesson for my grandkids, but the Lord had other plans. At the strong recommendation of a close friend, I chose Ken Overman as the author who would help me publish my book—not just for my immediate family, but also for existing and potential members of The C12 Group … and beyond. Ken brought insight, imagination, writing, storytelling, and organization skills to match my own creative visions for the book. I couldn’t be more pleased. He was able to take what I had already written, add more of my memories and thoughts, and bring them to life. I would strongly recommend Ken for anyone considering writing his or her own biography. His “soup-to-nuts” writing and publishing services far exceeded my expectations.”

       Buck Jacobs, Founder and President, The C12 Group, LLC 

About Dawn Passage


Dawn Passage is more than the story of a riveting voyage across two oceans with a family of three plus three young men who face harrowing health challenges, fearsome and unpredictable weather, and a near miss deadly collision, it is a travelogue with details descriptions of the smells, foods, customs, clothing, and cultures of multiple countries both friend and foe of the U.S. — all inspired by a strong belief in the mission of the ship, the Morning Star, and a certainty that God will protect. Written from the Skipper’s point of view, one wonders if this real-life experience inspired that capable seaman, Kenneth Overman, to go on to become the author of several excellent thrillers.

       Judith K. White, Author 

Historical fiction is my usual recreational book of choice, but I enjoyed Dawn Passage from cover to cover! It is an adventuresome, fast-paced, true account of six people on an ocean voyage which challenges them on many levels. The reader will utilize all the senses–such are the descriptive lines in Dawn Passage.

       Josephine B. — Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 

Dawn Passage was an engrossing book and so very well done. The conversation style made it very easy to read. Sometimes you made me want to talk back to you. I have never been seasick but you almost made me envious. (Once, on a pilot launch at the mouth of the St. John’s I came close.) Your brief synopsis of the subsequent travels of the Morning Star led me to hope for a sequel.

       John T. – Jacksonville Beach, FL 

“I just finished your book. Wow, what a great read! I am glad to read that the Morning Star is still being used to save souls. You are a good sailor, but a better missionary. Thank God for your adventure and witness! I cannot wait for your next book Where Wild Olives Grow. Again, I very much like the book and your writing style.”

       Joe – Sarasota, FL 

“Just got the book Dawn Passage yesterday – you did a really good job. Your writing style is superb. You could have been a journalist. I will work on a book review which I will submit to Assist News Service for them to send out to their many Christian media contacts.”

       Nico – Bradenton, FL 

“Received the copy of Dawn Passage a day or so ago. I absolutely loved it! Great read (could not put it down) and you captured the essence of a great adventure. I Look forward to reading more of your books. You are a great author. Keep me posted when the next one comes out. I will get the word out about Dawn Passage to family and friends.”

       Dan — Joppa, MD 

“I just finished reading Dawn Passage. I read it with hardly a break and thought it was a great book. I learned a lot from it (ocean sailing, geography, your life) all interesting. I give it an A+. (really). KEEP ON WRITING!! … I can’t relate to Christian ideas, even though it appears it has had a positive influence on your life. I’m glad you didn’t bring up Christianity with that dentist in Algeria–good move!”

       Jim D. — St. George, UT 

“I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading Dawn Passage. It grips you from the start and it’s hard to put down. It was interesting to see yours and Barbara’s transition from non-faithful to faithful (would love to see you with long hair from the hippie days). It is inspirational to read about a group of imperfect people serving a perfect God, and the blessings that come with it.”

       Melissa D. – Jacksonville, FL 

About Picking Olives and Breaking Bread


“I have known Ken Overman for 35 years, and never tire of his stories. Picking Olives and Breaking Bread is his best book. It captures the same spirit of adventure as Steinbeck’s, Travels With Charley.”

       H. Skip Weitzen 

“Whether a summer’s day at the beach or a winter’s eve with snow curling about the corners of the house, Picking Olives and Breaking Bread will spirit you away to foreign lands and adventures you’ll wish you could share. And you can as you follow this unique man, Ken Overman, his family and his life. not only about his travels through much of the world and various occupations – from charter boat skipper to ski tour operator and oil rig roustabout–but his search for, eventual discovery of, and trust in God. In short, a book meant to share a man’s life, his losses and his successes, moments you won’t soon forget.”

       William Kerr, Author of the New York Times Best Seller Path of the Golden Dragon 

“Autobiography is certainly one of the most difficult of the writing genres to compose. Ken has mastered a lively style with exciting and interesting experiences to create Picking Olives and Breaking Bread, the worldwide adventures of a young married couple to find life, and faith.”

       Harry W. Gibson, PhD - Saint Martin’s University 

About Where Wild Olives Grow


“Where Wild Olives Grow, by Ken Overman, was an utterly delightful escape for me. I have not had the benefit of traveling too much in my life, and Mr. Overman’s excellent writing skills took me on journeys to many places I have only dreamed of visiting. Through his superbly descriptive style, I felt that I was a companion on his incredible travels. Overman is a fearless adventurer who seizes upon every event, in any environment, with unimaginable energy and unstoppable curiosity. His writing places the reader right in the midst of the breathtaking scenery of Greece, Spain, Germany, Morocco, Alaska, Turkey, Portugal and much more. Through his descriptive writing skills, I was welcomed into the natural beauty, and quaint villages where he lived and found the most unlikely of work experiences. I could almost taste the foods, and join the fellowship of a colorful cast of characters who were his friends in each locale.

This memoir of Overman’s early adult years recounts so many humorous, challenging and, sometimes, frightful events on his journey toward maturity and purpose. And……. there is romance as well, as Overman candidly includes us in his search for love, and his marriage to his wife, Barb. She is just as gutsy and open to “hidden agendas” as Overman. The tales of their fledgling union, while they circle the world, are charming, quirky, and downright hilarious.

I highly recommend Where Wild Olives Grow to those who love the geography and culture of distant lands. You must experience it through the eyes of this man who, it seems, will try just about anything! He takes on life with astonishing gusto, and then pours out his adventures upon the canvas of your mind like the finest of artists. I also heartily recommend Ken Overman’s first book, Dawn Passage, as well. It is just as masterful and satisfying a read as this one. I eagerly await many more books from this author’s hand in the near future.”

       C. Killian, Jacksonville, FL 

This is a good book. I really enjoyed it. Ken’s assignment as a young man at the NATO facility in Izmir, Turkey was the beginning of an adventure in Europe for years to come. His experiences move along at a good pace and he writes with a technique that makes you feel like you are right there with him. I highly recommend this book.

       Arthur, San Clemente, CA 

Ken’s memoir took me on a lovely journey through Europe, beginning with his time in Greece. He and his wife’s free spirited living affirm the fact that following one’s heart always involves some risk but pays off high dividends rich with immersion into various cultural experiences, friendships and work. I was sorry when I finished reading it but look forward to the next books of his.

       Mary G, St. Augustine, FL 

“I showed my Dad Where Wild Olives Grow (he isn’t much of a book reader, usually articles and shorts) and for the next 6 hours he didn’t say a word. He read the entire book and when he finished he just shook his head and kept saying, “that Ken Overman…what a life and what a writer, he is incredible.” As you have figured out he absolutely loved the book. I haven’t started it yet but will this weekend, and I can’t wait. I already have at least 6 on my Christmas list that will be receiving a copy as a gift. So I best put in my order..”

       Kathleen D — Seal Beach, CA

A Lion in SpringA Lion in SpringA Lion in SpringWhere Wild Olives GrowPicking OlivesPicking Olives 2Hughes BookFour Continent ManWiring an American DreamFat catsBucking the TrendFields of GreenI RadicalOne Mans JourneyOut of the WoodworkThe PatriarchChristian RoadexpressionsStill Desperate in the Promised LandIntrusions Front Cover FinalsumLiving WaterLiving WaterWhetstone CoverWhetstone CoverWhetstone CoverWhetstone CoverExiled CoverUndone to DoneUndone to Done

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