- Written by: Kenneth R. Overman
Take your Mind Away from Covid-19
… and Plan a Ferryboat Ride Instead
Like the rest of the world, we’re fed-up with the whole sequestration thing, so my fiancé and I bought airline tickets to L.A. We scheduled late June, believing by then we can breathe without a facemask. Why book a flight in the middle of a pandemic? Because all of the discount travel sites--Orbitz, Travelocity, Priceline and such—are now offering ridiculously low prices. And get this … there’s no penalty for changing your reservation!
Read more: Take your Mind Away from Covid-19
- Written by: Kenneth R. Overman
So as we approach the downside of this Covid-19 thing, I’m starting to wonder what we as Americans have gained, or lost, due to this extraordinary event. What comes to mind are sad things, like the job situation, and all those students robbed of their graduation ceremonies. There are amazing things too, like the revelation that toilet paper isn’t as critical as everyone thought. What really got me though, was all that distance I had to make between my fellow humans and me. It made me appreciate an opposite situation I experienced years ago.
Read more: Social Distancing in North Africa
- Written by: Kenneth R. Overman
It occurred to me that visitors to my homepage might wonder why I’m wearing a helmet and a protective vest. If I’m really in a combat situation—and not at Disneyland—what’s with the white Polo shirt? Don’t real soldiers wear camouflage?
Read more: What's with the Getup?